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Lost Ark: How long does it take to reach full level?

The Lost Ark is all about leveling up your main character and recruiting alternate characters. This is because most of the endgame content is where the real heart of the game is. You have two options: speed up the leveling process to gain access to end-game content, or take your time as a finisher.

This quick guide tells you how long it will take you to reach level 50 in Lost Ark, which is currently the highest level in the game. We will also look at two different types of levels in the game: the character level and the account level.



What is the maximum level in Lost Ark?

The maximum class level in Lost Ark is level 50.



How long does it take to reach max level in Lost Ark?

The current world record for level 50 in Lost Ark is around 10 hours. However, for a brand new player, you are more likely to reach level 50 within 15-20 hours, which is still relatively fast for an MMO. This may take longer if you want to complete all the quests along the way.


However, this is only the beginning of your journey to Lost Ark. You should also focus on leveling up some alternate characters. Why? Because you will be able to do more endgame content that is time limited for your main character, meaning you can only complete one set of daily quests per day and only complete two or three endgame raids/dungeons.


You can choose to speed up the game or take your time doing side quests.

You must take your time during your first playthrough of Lost Ark. The story is rewarding, the world is fun to explore, and there are interesting quests in addition to the more mundane MMO challenges.


If you really want to race towards the final content, you no longer need to complete any side quests to reach level 50. Complete main quests, take quest chains when available, and complete world quests when they appear during exploration. peace.

That being said, many of the side quests in Lost Ark are usually linked to the main quest anyway - meaning you won't save much time doing them.

Check out our detailed class guide for more information on which class to choose. You can also check out our general Lost Ark beginner's guide to help you get started.





What is the difference between account level and character level?

In Lost Ark, you will notice two main levels: your character level and your account level. Your character will level up to level 50 and unlock a bunch of endgame content, including access to your first awakening skill. Your account level works a little differently as it will slowly level up as you level up your main character and alts.


An account level provides account-wide boosts, such as extra vitality for your characters, or even chests full of crystals, one of the Lost Ark currencies. You'll notice this checkmark in the background as you complete your Adventurer's Tome and complete quests.