Dec 18 Views (1123)

War For The Atlas Changes Game Experience Of Path Of Exile

Free Path of Exile can look forward to a new expansion called War for the Atlas and greatly changes the end-game experience of the end-game.



Path of Exile: War for the Atlas adds 32 new maps, each ending with a boss battle, as well as the four mighty Elder Guardians that you have to take before you get to the Elder himself.


Before the new expansion, players had to go through four randomly generated maps to get to Shaper, a Cthulhu style boss. Now Shaper and Elder are in the war trying to expand their track of the world. These tracks have real consequences and effects on the map. Elders, for example, literally vacuum the color from the world and weaken your character if you are near them.


War for the Atlas also expands the hero's development potential. It adds four skill gems and six support gems. The expansion also includes a new call, called Abyss, when it is necessary to look for maps on the map that leave behind monsters. If you follow them, you will find a larger group of enemies. Once you beat it, you will find new pieces that will take you back to another group, and so on, it will always be harder.


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