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The Elder Scrolls Online: Crown Store Updates

August comes to The Elder Scrolls Online! In the latest updates of Crown Store, players can get Nord costumes and other items.




Ancestral Homage Formal Gown - There's nothing wrong with showing some healthy gray skin while paying homage to the Ancestors," says Voldsea Arvel about her stunning new formal gown. "The Ancestors won't mind, and your current incarnation deserves to be seen!" The Ancestral Homage Formal Gown costume will be available on all platforms starting on August 3.



Arvel's Ashland Attire - Though it also looks superb in a Great House drawing room, the outer layers of the Voldsea Arvel's Ashland Attire ensemble are of tightly-woven kresh fiber that just sheds ash and soot, so you can look like a lord even in an ash storm! The Arvel's Ashland Attire costume will be available on all platforms starting on August 3.



Falkreath Thane - Even the toughest Nord warrior prefers to fight for Skyrim while looking good. This classic Nord kilted jerkin outfit projects the confidence and authority of a Falkreath fighting clan chief—complete with the traditional horned helmet! The Falkreath Thane costume will be available for PC/Mac starting on August 14 and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 28.





Hakkvild's High Hall - Hakkvild, former Jarl of Falkreath who freed the hold from Yashnag's Orcs, built himself this spacious hall on the heights above town, with convenient access to the crypts of his ancestors. The Hakkvild's High Hall home comes in a furnished and unfurnished version and will be available for PC/Mac starting on August 14 and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 28.



Daedric Set of Azura - Furnishings associated with the Daedric Prince Azura, including a sculpted statue, brazier, banners, tapestry, book, candle, and more! The Daedric Set of Azura furniture pack will be available on all platforms for a limited time from August 24 to August 28.





Karthwolf Charger - In the valley of the Karth River, the Reach clans have domesticated the fierce ice wolves, which they have bred for size and endurance to serve as mounts—a fearsome sight indeed! The Karthwolf Charger mount will be available for PC/Mac starting on August 14, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 28.



Chroma-Blue Dwarven Spider - Rarest of all Dwarven Spider vamidiums are those powered by gems that emit a cold blue light, said to reflect the frigid stolen soul of the Dwemer engineer trapped within it. The Chroma-Blue Dwarven Spider mount will be available on all platforms for a limited time from August 31 to September 4.





Amber Ash Hopper - The perky Amber Ash Hopper is a favorite pet of Dunmer expatriates, as it's relatively low maintenance (it digs its own hole in the ground), and it reminds the Dark Elves of home on the slopes of Red Mountain. The Amber Ash Hopper pet will be available on all platforms starting on August 3.



Karthwolf Shepherd - The Reachmen use their domesticated ice wolves to protect their clans' livestock. They also keep the herds healthy, as the Karthwolves themselves will cull out the weaklings. The Karthwolf Shepherd pet will be available for PC/Mac starting on August 14, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 28.



Seht's Dovah-Fly - These are clearly fabricants, clockwork simulations of living creatures, with the distinctive appearance of the handiwork of Sotha Sil. But if so, how did they escape Clockwork City? And why do they make such loyal pets? No one knows. The Seht's Dovah-Fly pet will be available on all platforms for a limited time from August 31 to September 4.



Style Parlor


Markings: Ebony Epidermis Skin - Never trust an alchemist with a Daedric scroll—you might end up with skin that's the color and hardness of Ebony! Unless you think that's a good idea, in which case, we've literally got you covered. The Ebony Epidermis Skin will be available on all platforms for a limited time from August 10 to August 14.



Items Remove From Crown Store

There are some items will be removed from the Crown Store on all platforms on August 14 at 10:00 AM EDT.


Costumes: Elder Council Tunic & Sash, Desert Garden Gala Overdress, Glenmoril Witch Robes, Majestic Dune Rider Ensemble

Crafting: Ancient Elf Motif, Primal Motif, Barbaric Motif, Daedric Motif